Name: Stagheart (Stagkit, Stagpaw)
Meaning: Stag- (a male deer with tall antlers; symbolizes the gentler, honorable side of him, yet not without defense) || -heart (heart for his Clan and those he loves; the spirit of a stag; father's namesake)
Nickname(s): Stag
Rank: Warrior (previously kit, warrior apprentice)
Age: ~52 moons
Gender: tomcat (male)
Orientation: straight
Song: Unshaken - D'Angelo | That's The Way It Is - Daniel Lanois
Voice Claim: Arthur Morgan - Red Dead Redemption 2
Creation Date: January 19th, 2024
Description: very large, muscular, & scarred light brown tabby tom with stark blue eyes and a torn ear.

Residence: RiverClan (Clanborn)
Mentor(s): [NPC]
Apprentice(s): Baneberrypaw (previously: Falconflight, Willowtail)
Father: Wolfheart [Deceased, NPC]
Mother: Orchidmoon [Deceased, NPC]
Siblings: Unnamed [Deceased, NPC] - all died during childbirth.
Mate: N/A
Kits: N/A - but adopted Berrykit (paw) when she was brought into the Clan. Informally adopted Willowtail, Weepingpaw, & Daisykit after their mother passed in the 3v1 raid.
Crush(es): shrugs awkwardly
Role Models: His old mentor(s); Clan leadership
Positive Relationships: Clan leadership (+ Lionhearts); Berrypaw, Mistyshard, Dusklion, Bearsnout; most of RiverClan who's active and serving
Neutral Relationships: the other chunk of RiverClan that doesn't do much in his eyes
Negative Relationships: Enemy/Attacking Clans; those who are disloyal to RiverClan or disobey/disrespect their leadership too much.
Active Purrks: Just a Scratch, Killer Aptitude 3 (previously Beefed Up)

Positive Traits: Courageous, strong, determined, always willing to help Clan; heart of gold underneath rough surface. Soft spot for kits/apprentices.
Neutral Traits: Loyal (to a fault), rough around the edges, gruff, hardened by years of battle/hardships - makes him more resilient, but can be detached.
Negative Traits: Abrasive, cold, can be quite angry & ruthless if pushed. Doesn't think there's much good in him outside of his loyal service to RiverClan.
Stagheart grew up as a pure-blooded RiverClan cat, the only one out of his litter to survive due to his mother's health complications. He was named Stagkit for his resilience and for, hopefully, living an honorable life to his Clan. His mother died young shortly after, and his father was eventually executed by an enemy Clan, causing the young Stagkit to be orphaned by apprentice age. So he latched onto his mentor, an old wise cat who taught him just about everything he knew.Stagpaw's values were instilled by this mentor, pledging loyalty to his Clan and finding purpose in it. He grew to believe in StarClan and became quite the prodigy when it came to battle; while his large, lumbering body struggled to be graceful when it came to hunting or stealth training, he found that he excelled on the battlefield. Thus Stagpaw embraced this aptitude and trained all that he could, honing in his skills to become quick-thinking, powerful, and a force to be reckoned with.He was named Stagheart for his devoted heart of gold buried underneath his rough surface; it's hard to come by, but when it shows, you can really see it. What stands out most notably is his heart for his Clan, devoted till the end of his days. Stagheart has spent many moons loyally serving his Clan and working to make RiverClan as great as it once was.One day he stumbled upon a small, mewling kit while he was out hunting. Perplexed, Stagheart noticed that she had no other trace of scents on her, Clan or otherwise indicating that they dropped off this helpless kit. It was, as he likes to put it, like she was "dropped from StarClan itself". Moved to pity, the warrior took her into RiverClan. Because many at the time didn't want to spend much time around non-Clanborn cats, especially those that weren't their own, Stagheart took on the responsibility of raising the young she-cat. He named her Berrykit, in honor of the berry bush he'd found her in that fateful day. Stagheart knew next to nothing about being a father, let alone a good one; but he tried his best, finding that he'd grown to love this little kit like his own, as much as he'd hate to admit it.Nowadays, you can find Stagheart participating in whatever events and patrols he needs to ensure that RiverClan is active, strong, and formidable to other Clans. Loyal to a fault, he does his best to abide by the Clan's leadership and strives to make them proud through consistent service. He'll often overlook their flaws due to this bias, knowing that his purpose is found here — and no where else. He'd fight for this Clan anyday, and he'd gladly die for it; it's the most real thing to him.